Anti-theft Mode of RFID Smart Library


Libraries used to use magnetic strips for anti-theft, and a small number of libraries used active EAS tags. After the introduction of RFID technology, the library's anti-theft system has changed in some ways. At present, some users use simple RFID tags to achieve management-anti-theft. The anti-theft function of RFID tags is generally achieved through the erasable anti-theft bit stored in the tag. Magnetic stripe anti-theft has not been withdrawn due to the emergence of RFID. On the one hand, some libraries need to continue the original unified anti-theft system for the entire library; on the other hand, in the social environment and the uncertainty of RFID anti-theft effect, magnetic stripe anti-theft still retains a place. Compared with RFID tags (RFID high-quality tags are guaranteed for 10 years and 100,000 reads and writes), magnetic stripes are relatively concealed and can be used permanently.

The system design concepts of various RFID suppliers are different, and their anti-theft methods and front-end software are also different. The anti-theft modes in the actual application of RFID libraries are summarized as follows: (1) magnetic stripe anti-theft; (2) RFID-EAS-TTF security bit detection; (3) RFID tag security bit anti-theft; (4) database status verification detection anti-theft; (5) access control UID detection anti-theft.

1. Magnetic stripe anti-theft.

The system design idea is to maintain the original magnetic stripe security access control system unchanged, and install RFID tags to realize self-service circulation and shelf area management. The advantages of magnetic stripe anti-theft are concealment and long life. Magnetic stripe security access control is independent of the network and system. It does not provide any problematic collection information when alarming, and the access control system cannot be used for other RFID detection statistics.

2. RFID-EAS-TTF security bit detection.

The tag contains an erasable EAS security bit. After the collection is borrowed/returned, the EAS security bit is written with the corresponding status information. When a reader passes the anti-theft access control with a book, the collection (tag) that has not been borrowed will actively send information to the anti-theft access control, resulting in an alarm. Its characteristic is that the tag adopts TTF tag talk first mode. After the tag is powered on, the access control antenna detects the tag group. There is no need to do sleep-wake up for the tag. The information stored by the user in the tag chip is completely read. This method is similar to the magnetic stripe detection mechanism. The manufacturer claims that the detection efficiency can reach 95%. A typical example is the I-CODE-Ⅱ chip of PHILIPS. Its anti-theft access control is independent of the network and system. It does not provide any collection information when alarming, and the access control system cannot be used for other RFID detection statistics.

3. RFID tag security bit anti-theft.

The tag contains an erasable security bit. After the collection is borrowed/returned, the security bit is written with the corresponding status information. When the reader holds the book through the access control, the collection (tag) is dormant-wake up and read one by one when passing the anti-theft door frame. The collection (tag) that has not been borrowed will cause the access control alarm. According to theoretical speculation, the detection efficiency of this type of system is slightly lower than that of the RFID-EAS-TTF mode. Its anti-theft access control is independent of the network and system. It provides (or does not provide) any problematic collection information when the alarm is triggered, and the access control system can be used for other detection statistics of RFID readers.

4. Database status verification detection and anti-theft.

That is, when the borrowed collections of readers pass through the RFID security door, they must use the database to check the borrowed/unborrowed status one by one. If the borrowing procedures are not completed, an alarm will be triggered. This anti-theft method requires the most steps and has the strongest dependence on the network and database, so it is a less efficient anti-theft method. Its anti-theft access control is related to the network and system. It provides collection information when the alarm is triggered, and the access control system can be used for other RFID detection statistics.

5. Access control UID detection and anti-theft.

When all collections go through the borrowing/returning procedures, the front-end RFID system broadcasts its tag UID information through the network to all access control terminal databases (or revokes it). When readers pass through the access control with the collection books, the access control will compare the UID of each collection with the access control inventory information one by one. If it is found that the information of a certain collection cannot be found, an alarm will be triggered. Its anti-theft access control is related to the network and system, and has a strong dependence. It provides collection information when an alarm is triggered, and the access control system can be used for other RFID detection statistics.
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